Wind Energy Installations

At JA Clean Energy Solutions, we specialize in the installation of wind energy systems to harness the power of the wind and generate clean, renewable electricity for homes and businesses. With our expertise in wind turbine technology and sustainable energy practices, we’re dedicated to helping our clients make the switch to wind power and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.


Wind Turbine Installation

Customized design and expert installation of wind turbine systems tailored to your property's specific energy needs and local wind conditions.

Site Assessment

Thorough site assessment to determine the optimal location and positioning of wind turbines for maximum energy production.

Permitting and Approvals

Assistance with obtaining necessary permits and approvals for wind energy installations, ensuring compliance with local regulations and zoning requirements.

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Homes Renewable Energy

Green Energy

Solar Energy Solutions

Why Choose Us


Our team of skilled technicians has extensive experience in wind turbine installation and maintenance, ensuring reliable performance and long-term efficiency.


We're committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship, offering clean, renewable energy solutions that reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change.

Custom Solutions

We work closely with our clients to design and implement customized wind energy solutions that meet their specific energy goals and budgetary constraints.


Cost Savings

Enjoy significant savings on electricity bills by harnessing the power of the wind to generate clean, renewable energy.

Environmental Impact

Reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to the preservation of our planet's natural resources by utilizing wind power.

Energy Independence

Gain independence from fluctuating energy prices and volatile fuel markets with a reliable and sustainable source of wind energy.


How much wind is needed to generate electricity with wind turbines?

Wind turbines typically require wind speeds of at least 5-6 meters per second (m/s) to generate electricity efficiently. However, optimal performance is achieved at higher wind speeds, typically ranging from 12-25 m/s.

What factors determine the suitability of a site for wind energy installations?

Several factors, including average wind speed, terrain, proximity to obstacles, and local regulations, influence the suitability of a site for wind energy installations. A thorough site assessment is essential to determine the feasibility of a project.

Are there incentives or financial assistance available for wind energy projects?

Yes, various incentives, rebates, and financing options may be available at the federal, state, and local levels to support wind energy projects, including tax credits, grants, and low-interest loans.

Head Quarter

5410 Brinkman St, Houston, TX 77091

Contact Us

Talk With Us

(713) 825-3150

Open Hours

08 : 00 AM - 10 : 00 PM

Ready to harness the power of the wind with a wind energy installation?

Contact JA Clean Energy Solutions today to schedule a consultation. Our team of experts is here to answer your questions and help you explore the benefits of wind power for your home or business.