Bioenergy Systems

Transform your home into an energy-efficient sanctuary with JA Clean Energy Solutions. Our comprehensive home energy solutions are designed to optimize energy usage, reduce utility bills, and minimize environmental impact. From energy audits to smart home upgrades, our expert team is dedicated to helping you achieve a more comfortable, sustainable living space.


HVAC Optimization

Upgrading to energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for improved comfort and lower energy consumption.

Window and Door Sealing

Sealing and weatherstripping windows and doors to prevent air leaks and improve overall energy efficiency.

Solar Water Heating

Installation of solar water heating systems to reduce reliance on traditional water heating methods and lower utility bills.

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Homes Renewable Energy

Green Energy

Solar Energy Solutions

Why Choose Us


Our team consists of experienced professionals with a deep understanding of home energy efficiency solutions.


By improving energy efficiency, we help reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier environment.

Custom Solutions

We tailor our services to meet your specific needs and budget, ensuring optimal results for your home.


Cost Savings

Enjoy significant savings on your energy bills by reducing energy waste and optimizing efficiency.

Environmental Impact

Create a more comfortable living environment with better temperature control and improved indoor air quality.

Energy Independence

Reduce your home's carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future for our planet.


How much can I expect to save with energy-efficient home upgrades?

Savings vary depending on factors such as the size of your home, existing energy usage, and the extent of upgrades. On average, homeowners can save up to 30% on their energy bills.

Are there financing options available for energy-efficient home upgrades?

Yes, we offer flexible financing options to help make energy-efficient upgrades more affordable for homeowners.

Will I need to make any lifestyle changes after implementing energy-efficient upgrades?

In most cases, no significant lifestyle changes are necessary. Our solutions are designed to improve energy efficiency without sacrificing comfort or convenience.

Head Quarter

5410 Brinkman St, Houston, TX 77091

Contact Us

Talk With Us

(713) 825-3150

Open Hours

08 : 00 AM - 10 : 00 PM

Ready to start saving energy and money?

Contact JA Clean Energy Solutions today to schedule a consultation. Our team will assess your home’s energy needs and recommend personalized solutions to help you achieve your goals.